ADHD is under-treated in adults in the UK compared to in other high-income countries, and support is under-resourced.
This is the first time that researchers have estimated the life expectancy of UK adults diagnosed with ADHD.
Potential Overestimations in the Study
However, they note that because ADHD often goes undiagnosed – especially in adults – the new research may overestimate the reduction in life expectancy experienced by people with ADHD on average.
Lead author, Dr. Liz O’Nions (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences and Bradford Institute for Health Research), said: “Only a small percentage of adults with ADHD have been diagnosed, meaning this study covers just a segment of the entire community.
“More of those who are diagnosed may have additional health problems compared to the average person with ADHD. Therefore, our research may overestimate the life expectancy gap for people with ADHD overall, though more community-based research is needed to test whether this is the case.”
The Urgent Need for Better Support
At present, there is a lack of specialist services to support adults with ADHD in the UK.
For example, a previous national survey of adults aged 16-64 found that a third of those with ADHD traits were in receipt of medication or counseling for a mental health problem, compared to 11% of people without ADHD.
Nearly 8% of people who screened positive for ADHD reported that they had requested a particular mental health treatment in the past 12 months but had not received it, compared to only 1% of those who did not screen positive.
Implications for ADHD Treatment and Policy
This suggests that adults with ADHD are presenting to services, but services are not equipped to support them, even though the impact of ADHD and need to identify and treat it is recognized in NHS guidelines.
This is a leading concern, as treatment and support for ADHD is associated with better outcomes, such as reduced mental health problems and substance use.
Dr. O’Nions said: “Although many people with ADHD live long and healthy lives, our finding that on average they are living shorter lives than they should indicates unmet support needs. It is crucial that we find out the reasons behind premature deaths so we can develop strategies to prevent these in future.”
Study Limitations and Future Directions
The study data meant that the researchers did not have information regarding cause of death, so it was not possible to attribute years of lost life to different causes.
A lack of specialist services for adult ADHD assessment in the UK also means that diagnosed adults may overrepresent those who have co-occurring mental health and/or neurodevelopmental conditions, which could confound the results and lead to an overestimation of years of life lost.
The present findings may not generalize to other countries, time periods, or settings.
Reference: “Life expectancy and years of life lost for adults with diagnosed ADHD in the UK: matched cohort study” by Elizabeth O’Nions, Céline El Baou, Amber John, Dan Lewer, Will Mandy, Douglas G.J. McKechnie, Irene Petersen and Josh Stott, 23 January 2025, The British Journal of Psychiatry.